Comms in Asia Podcast

Comms in Asia unpacks the world of communication and technology in Asia Pacific. Join us, as we analyze the role of owned and earned media strategies for brands and publishers.

Breaking down the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry, we’ll bring you nuanced viewpoints from experts in the field, as we dive into the various methods that brands can use to reach their target audience and drive meaningful awareness.

Comms in Asia is produced by C2 Media, the parent firm of the global freelance media talent network ContentGrow and Southeast Asian PR firm Content Collision.

Episode 1 - Hacking PR for startups in emerging Asia Startups face many challenges with public relations, including limited resources, a lack of name recognition, stiff competition for media attention, few industry connections, and limited experience. Often, the biggest challenge for early-stage companies with PR is getting the necessary exposure to build a strong reputation and attract customers and investors.

Featured speaker: Michaela Villaroman, Global PR and Media Relations at Seedstars

Episode 2 - Bootstrap toolbox: crafting early comms plays that hit In a corporate setting, the PR and comms department is often well-established, with larger budgets and more resources. In a startup, however, comms may be more ad-hoc and the person in charge usually has to wear many hats. Smaller budgets and leaner teams are almost always a given.

Featured speaker: Jakarta-based PR and communications expert

Episode 3 - Syncing Indonesia's PR game with Artemis In the competitive world of PR and comms, Fortune 500 brands are increasingly looking for agencies that can offer a full-stack solution. To ensure efficiency and consistency across the board, big brands in emerging markets like Indonesia need the full gauntlet of media relations, content creation, social media management, crisis management, and more. But unless you are an Ogilvy or an Edelman, odds are your shop has to specialize.

Featured speaker: Thomas Franky, CEO of Group Artemis Indonesia

Episode 4 - Adapt or die: the future of PR & comms in Asia Pacific PR in Asia has some distinct characteristics that set it apart from other parts of the world. These include a variety of cultural differences, social media behaviors, and government relations, to name a few. As new tech like conversational AI emerges to change the very face of the industry, many PR pros may be wondering how best to adapt.

Featured speaker: Arun Sudhaman, CEO & editor-in-chief at PRovoke Media

Episode 5 - How PR pros should pitch to luxury media like Tatler Asia Pitching to top-tier luxury media is no easy task in today’s noisy media landscape. Landing coverage in an outlet like Tatler Asia requires that a comms pro truly understand an editor’s target audience and tailor pitches accordingly. Getting straight to the point, demonstrating you've done your research, showcasing the brand's unique story and societal impact, and offering an immersive experience to the editor are all worthwhile plays.

Featured speaker: Jacqueline Tsang, Tatler Asia’s regional head of content & editor-in-chief

Episode 6 - How to get your story picked up by Tech in Asia In this episode, Leighton Cosseboom of C2 Media and AC Ventures interviews, Terence Lee, editor-in-chief at Tech in Asia, about how to grab the attention of tech editors. Terence shares his tips and insights on how PR practitioners and comms professionals can bring creative and compelling narratives to the table, increasing their chances of getting their clients’ stories placed on top outlets like Tech in Asia.

Featured speaker: Terence Lee, editor-in-chief at Tech in Asia