Media on ContentGrow are seeking edgy lifestyle journalists in ASEAN
As lifestyle journalists, maybe you have stories to pitch on quirky and little-known topics related to food, youth culture, and sex in Southeast Asia.

ContentGrow helps publishers assemble and manage teams of freelance media pros from around the world. We connect our buyers to high-quality sellers who are likely to fit well with certain projects (in this case, on the lifestyle beat). Every so often, we will post information about new freelance opportunities on this site. If this post interests you and matches your skillset, please fill out the form below.
Media on our platform are looking for freelance journalists with specific expertise in edgy lifestyle topics in APAC, and how they can relate to mainstream audiences in China and the US. The key countries of interest right now are those in ASEAN — namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.
Maybe you have stories to pitch on controversial, unique, and interesting happenings in the region. Quirky and less-covered stories related to food, youth culture, sex and relationships are most welcome, especially if they come from unexpected places.
Bylines in one or more of the following publications are highly desired:
- Vox
- BuzzFeed
- Mashable
Rates are competitive and based on a cost per published word, image, and video basis.
If you haven’t worked inside of ContentGrow’s platform before, here are the basics:
- Our platform allows you direct access and comms with the publishers.
- Publishers on ContentGrow pay freelance journalists in full, minus relevant taxes, commissions, and transfer fees.
- There’s no obligation to accept assignments.
- Before getting started with our publishers, you will be briefly acquainted with our platform.
- Our clients are major media outlets that will make strong additions to your portfolio.
If you’re interested, please apply by creating a free ContentGrow portfolio below.