Heepsy helps marketers know exactly when influencers are bluffing

Heepsy claims to have the data of 11 million Instagram and YouTube influencers. The company is placing a primary focus on the European market.

Heepsy helps marketers know exactly when influencers are bluffing

The influencer marketing industry continues to surge each year, with a market size forecast to reach US$13.8 billion this year. However, it's not easy to find influencers with authentic data these days. 67% of brands are concerned about influencer fraud. Tools like Heepsy are here to help.

The marketing software firm aims to help marketers collect social media data from over 11 million self-proclaimed Instagram and YouTube influencers. Here are six important things for serious marketers to know about Heepsy.

What is Heepsy?

With Heepsy, marketers can access the social media performance data of Instagram and YouTube stars. Users can either search through existing names on a target list or discover influencers inside the app based on categories like interests, engagement scores, and locations.

One of the platform's unique features is its ability to provide specific insights like the authenticity of an influencer's followers, collaboration fee estimations, and the influencer's past brand partnerships. The app also covers the basic stats like engagement rate, audience demographic, and exposure measures.

Marketers can also import their existing influencer lists into the platform to check performance.

It’s necessary to note that the platform can only track accounts with a minimum of 5,000 followers on Instagram and 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. The app can also help search for influencers that reside on other platforms like blogs, TikTok, and Twitter.

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What is the pricing for Heepsy?

Heepsy offers four pricing plans: free, starter, business, and gold.

The free plan allows limited usage of all functions. The starter plan (US$49 per month) provides an unlimited amount of basic search functions. The business plan (US$169 per month) comes with an engagement score of each influencer, while the gold plan (US$269) offers in-depth authenticity audits.

What is the company's traction?

Heepsy claims to have worked with more than 10,000 companies with globally familiar names such as Rolls Royce, EA Games, Red Bull, FOX, and IKEA. There is no info about Heepsy's revenue and valuation figures online.

Who owns Heepsy?

Heepsy was founded by Xabier Vicuña in 2016. Before Heepsy, he earned a master's degree from Stanford University and founded two other startups, neither of which are still operational.

While not entirely clear, Heepsy may have been a pivot of Vicuña’s previous venture, which also provided influencer recommendations to brands. According to Crunchbase, Heepsy received non-equity assistance from MassChallenge in 2018.

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Who are Heepsy's competitors?

In the field of influencer analytics software, Spain-based Heepsy is up against HYPR and Influencity. All three are helping businesses with performance data of social media stars across the globe.

Influencity (also based in Spain) claims to have data access to more than 70 million influencers worldwide. The company has raised a total of US$2.39 million in capital from five investors. Several big brands are already using Influencity to step up their marketing games, including Samsung, Dentsu, and Kellogg's.

Founded in 2013, US-based HYPR claims to have access to the data of 10 million influencers. The company had raised a total of US$13 million before it was acquired by another influencer marketing software Julius in 2020 for an undisclosed amount. To date, HYPR's notable clients include Pepsi, National Geographic, and Revlon.

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What was Heepsy's most notable move recently?

The company revamped its user experience a few months ago. Before that, the team announced that it had been accepted into the Forbes Business Council and added a new TikTok search filter.

Vicuña recently shared that his market focus, for now, is Europe.

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