Highlighting social good in business with Dampact Dimes

Discover Dampact Dimes' focus on Indonesian ventures that combine successful business practices with positive social and environmental impacts.


Dampact Dimes isn't your run-of-the-mill blog. It's a compilation of stories by Ardi Wirdana about businesses that do good and do well financially. Through his lens, Dampact Dimes offers a fresh narrative on Indonesian ventures with a social and environmental heartbeat.

"I just felt that impact ventures, and particularly the great work they’re doing - not just the funding they are getting, are not talked about enough," Ardi explains his motivation to start the blog. It's his way of filling a void in the mainstream narrative, shifting the spotlight to ventures making real societal impacts.

Ardi is a seasoned journalist, having dedicated over five years to covering Indonesia's startup and VC space for prominent publications like DealStreetAsia and Tech in Asia. His journalism career began at The Jakarta Post, Indonesia's leading English daily, before he took on the role of country correspondent for Asean Today in Singapore.

Ardi's approach is distinct. He isn't interested in the usual ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) stories. "Dampact Dimes wants to focus on ventures whose core business is making a notable impact, by addressing one or more SDGs," he says, drawing a line between superficial criteria and genuine impact.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global objectives aimed at addressing major world issues like poverty and climate change. They focus on long-term global improvement. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, however, are standards for companies' operations, used mainly for investment decisions. They focus on a company's immediate impact on the environment, society, and governance.


Dampact Dimes covers a variety of main categories in its blog, including healthcare, investment, climate, energy, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and agriculture.

Its recent highlights include a variety of innovative ventures. One is Xurya, a renewable energy startup leasing rooftop solar panels, which has launched over 150 solar roof projects in 11 Indonesian provinces as of 2023. Another is Jakarta's agritech startup, Semaai, known for its significant funding round. Additionally, the omnichannel startup Serabut Nusa has made headlines with its collaboration with Coca Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia, aiding numerous Indonesian MSMEs in exporting their products to Japan and the Netherlands.

Reading Dampact Dimes, one can sense Ardi's personal touch. "I guess it's just refreshing to read about the goodness people are doing while making money at the same time," he shares. This perspective makes the blog unique, blending stories of profitability with societal benefits.

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Currently, it's a one-person show, with Ardi at the helm. When asked about the short-term goal for the blog, he said, "Just to reach out to as many impact founders and investors, and let them know about Dampact Dimes." It's a humble but crucial mission, seeking to widen the circle of influence and impact.

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